2 LPs
- 6775 020 - (p) 1976
2 LPs -
RL 30449 - (p) 1981 |
2 CDs -
SB2K 60708 - (c) 1998 |
Authentic Renaissance and Baroque Organs
Andrea GABRIELI (1510-1586) |
francese, detta Petit Jacquet (1605) |
2' 15" |
A1 |
Girolamo FRESCOBALDI (1583-1643)
quarta, da sonarsi alla Levatione
(Libro II di Toccate, 1627) |
7' 28" |
Ricercar quarto, sopra mi, re,
fa, mi (1615) |
5' 14" |
Bernardo PASQUINI (1637-1710) |
Pastorale |
4' 39" |
A4 |
Giovanni Maria
TRABACI (c.1575-1647)
fermo II del secondo tono (1603)
4' 19" |
A5 |
quinta (Libro II di Toccate, 1627)
1' 57" |
A6 |
sopra la spagnoletta (1624)
6' 52" |
B1 |
Michelangelo ROSSI (1600c.-1656) |
No. 13 in D minor |
4' 04" |
B2 |
Bernardo PASQUINI |
in C Major I, 11
2' 15" |
B3 |
Domenico ZIPOLI (1688-1726) |
(III) in G Minor |
0' 52" |
B4 |
(III) in E Minor |
0' 48" |
B5 |
in C Major
4' 47" |
B6 |
in D Minor
1' 54" |
B7 |
Bernardo PASQUINI |
in D Minor I, 10 |
2' 01" |
B8 |
in G Minor VII, 139 |
3' 09" |
B9 |
Giovanni Battista
MARTINI (1706-1784) |
in C Minor
1' 27" |
C1 |
No. 2 in G Minor: Allegro (Sonate
per l'organo e il cembalo, 1747)
3' 28" |
C2 |
Domenico SCARLATTI (1685-1757) |
in D minor K. 41
4' 54" |
C3 |
Domenico ZIPOLI |
(II) in E Minor |
1' 21" |
C4 |
in C Major
2' 21" |
C5 |
in F Major |
4' 40" |
C6 |
Johann Georg
in C Major
2' 51" |
C7 |
Bernardo STORACE (1650c-.1700) |
No. 19 in G Major
2' 29" |
C8 |
No. 22 in E Minor
5' 45" |
C9 |
sopra la spagnoletta (edit. 1664)
5' 11" |
D1 |
Bernardo PASQUINI |
No. 2 in G Minor
6' 27" |
D2 |
Giovanni Battista
all'Offertorio in A Major
3' 30" |
D3 |
in G Major
2' 11" |
D4 |
Johann Nepomuk HUMMEL (1778-1837) |
in A-flat Major
3' 52" |
D5 |
Anonymous |
con il violoncello
0' 48" |
D6 |
con il tromboncino |
0' 33" |
D7 |
con il cornetto |
0' 40" |
D8 |
e data di registrazione |
- Settembre 1970 *
- Agosto e Settembre 1974 **
Registrazione: live
/ studio |
studio |
Producer /
Recording Supervisor |
Wolf Erichson
Recording Engineer
Dieter Thomsen
Prima Edizione LP |
Seon (Philips) | 6775
020 | 2 LPs - durata 53' 00" - 52'
53" | (p) 1976 | ANA
Seon (RCA Red Seal) | RL 30449 | 2
LPs - durata 53' 00" - 52' 53" |
(p) 1981 | ANA
Edizione CD |
Sony | SB2K 60708 | 2
CDs - durata 53' 00" - 52' 53" |
(c) 1998 | ADD
Original Cover
Carpi, Modena
(Italy), the organ of San
Bernardino da Siena
Note |
The organs
selected here represent some
of the most important
examples of Renaissance and
Baroque organbuilding in
Northern Italy. The Italian
organ illustrates the close
relationship between
instruments and the human
The Principal stops,
in spite of perceptibly
narrow scaling, have a very
particular sweet, singing
quality. (Costanzo Antegnati
in "L'arte organica" calls
them "delicatissimo").
The Italian Ripieno,
based on the Principal
stops, is characterised by
the division of all the
ranks (formed in individual
stops) on the basis of the
succeeding harmony notes of
the octave and the fifth,
with the resulting breakback
into the lower octave when
the pitch limit is reached,
This is set at c''''' for
every rank.
Apart from limitations of
pitch, the Italian Ripieno
is also limited by the
omission of the first fifth
of the natural harmonic
series, the Twelfth
(Quint 2 2/3').
The old masters quite
explicitly called the Ripieno
stops "Registri d'organo" as
opposed to the others which
were the "Registri da
concerto." The Ripieno needs
this independence and (in
contrast to classical
organs) will not tolerate
combinations with other
families of stops because it
"produces a more lively,
sparkling. agreeable sound"
Unlike fifteenth and
organ-builders. who liked to
complete the Ripieno
“at the fifth." scaling all
the mixture ranks on the
basis of the octave (thus
making them narrower than
the Principal). the
Venetians completed theirs
"at the octave" and followed
a single scaling system for
all the stops in the family
(from Principal to Ripieno).
This produced the delicate
tonal transparency of
Antegnati's models as
distinct from the broad.
rounded fullness of the
Venetian sound.
Although in the sixteenth
century reed stops
werefrequently encountered
in Italy, they were not used
according to any firm rule.
The path from Antegnati's
translucence to Callido's
rounded sound illustrates
the historical and cultural
differences: these are
revealed in the brilliance
of the mixtures, the tonal
richness of the flutes and
in the typical reed stops
"Tromboncini" and
"Violoncello" and in an
undisguised pleasure in a
bright. rich luminosity of
The development of this
tonal ideal does not,
however, depart from the
foundations of the authentic
Upper Italian organ
tradition; the
characteristics of the
classical Ripieno
are preserved with absolute
The preponderant use of only
one manual and the small
pedal-boards with a short
octave only give the
illusion of limiting the
practical possibilities. In
reality they are the result
of precise stylistic
selection. striving to
achieve a perfect balance by
deliberate limitation of
BRESCIA - St. Joseph's
The organ ol St. Joseph's
Church in Brescia was
constructed in 1581 by
Graziadio Antegnati and his
son Costanzo.
It presents a masterpiece of
Italian Renaissance
organ-building, an
extraordinary work with a
magnificent case, divided
into seven panels. above
which there are four further
groups of pipes with a
purely ornamental function,
the so-called "dummy pipes."
The instrument is based on
the Principal 16':
according to old Italian
practice this means that the
keyboard goes down to contra
C su that the organist must
play in an 8' tessitura.
Apart from the Principal
the original disposition
includes seven mixture stops
(from the 8' Octave
to the 2/3' Thirty-third),
the 16' Fiffaro
(from f) and three flutes:
an Octave (8'), a Twelfth
[5 1/3'). and a Fifteenth
(4'). The manual compass is
53 notes (contra C/a"), as
was customary in large
Italian organs of the
sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries. The first octave
is “short” (lacking C sharp,
E flat, F sharp. and G
sharp, and the linal g
sharp" is also missing). The
pedal compass probably
corresponded originally to
that of the bass Principal
(15 notes: contra C/f
sharp). The pitch is about a
semitone higher than is
normal today. The organ
possesses a spring chest.
Rebuilding at the beginning
of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries brought
about the following changes:
A mixture rank (XXXVI) was
added. combined with the Thirty-third;
the Octave and Fifteenth
flutes were replaced by an
8' oboe and an 8' gamba: the
Twelfth flute was
rebuilt as a 4' flute; a
small wind chest supplying
the missing chromatic notes
was added. on which there
was also one extra pipe
(contra C) for each stop in
order to lower the tuning by
a semitone. The keyboard was
extended accordingly, from
contra C to a", i.e. from 53
to 58 keys. With a special
wind chest a contrabass and
bass (16' + 8') pedal stop
of 12 notes and a 12-note
chromatic pedal (contra C/F
sharp) were similarly added.
In 1955 the organ was
restored by Maccarinelli of
Brescia. The gamba and oboe
stops were replaced by the
original flutes on the
pattern and scaling of the
earlier examples. The final
spurious mixture rank was
removed, together with the
added low pipes, thus
raising the tuning up a
semitone again. The
contrabasses and basses in
the pedal and the added
chromatic notes were
BRESCIA - St. Charles's
The very line
seventeenth-century organ in
St. Charle's Church in
Brescia is atlributed to
Antegnati - on account of
both the tonal disposition
and the execution of the
From the meagre evidence the
organ would appear to have
been built in 1636. In its
elegant, elaborate case its
visible layout in five
panels mainly displays the
"organetti morti" (dummy
pipes). The wind chest is in
spring form, as was usual in
The tonal picture, on an 8'
basis. imitates the models
of classical organ-building:
the mixture family. the
"Fiffaro" (or "Vox humana")
and the two flutes - an Octave
(4') and a Twelfth
[2 2/3'). There are no
reed-stops, an Antegnati
characteristic, which is why
Costanzo also makes no
reference to them in "Arte
The contrabasses with the Octave
(16' + 8') were added to the
pedal in the eighteenth or
nineteenth century; in 1958
the instrument underwent a
historical restoration by A.
Maccarinelli of Brescia.
During the repairs it became
clear that from time
immemorial the organ had
been tuned in equal
temperament, and this tuning
has been retained.
Michael the Archangel
The organ in the Church of
St. Michael the Archangel in
Caselle d'Altivole (Treviso)
was erected in 1758 by Don
Antonio Barbini of Murano.
This instrument, conceived
in the Venetian
organ-building tradition of
the eighteenth century, is
based on the 12'; the
biggest pipe on the manual
is, in fact, contra F. As
always, the separation
between bass and treble is
rather large: this kind of
separation came about
through the division of the
manual into two almost equal
In 1880 the brothers
Giacobbi undertook the
following alterations to the
instrument: the manual,
pedals, and bellows were
renewed; a "Terza mano"
mechanism (super-
octave coupler in the
treble) was added; the Twelfth
flute (2 2/3') was exchanged
for a 4' "Viola" in the bass
and an 8' "Voce flebile"
(tremulant) in the treble:
the “Cornetta" (1 3/5') was
replaced by a 2' "Ottavino"
and the Octave flute
(4') was shifted by a
semitone, unusually in the
bore rather than at the tip;
"Trombe soprani" instead of
"Tromboncini soprani";
"Fagotto bassi" instead of
"Violoncello bassi"; the
"Trombe reali" in the pedal
was renewed.
In 1965 the organ-builder
Alfredo Piccinelli of Padua
restored the instrument. The
following parts were
repaired to give the
original tonal picture: the
Twelfth flute and the
"Cornetta," and the Octave
flute was returned to its
original disposition. The
reeds. on the other hand,
although altered at that
time, were left in such a
way as to retain worthwhile
features of the classical
Venetian organ-building
VENICE - Santa Maria
Gloriosa dei Frari
The Callido organ in the
basilica "Santa Maria
Gloriosa dei Frari"
represents together with the
reconstructed Piaggia organ,
the only surviving example
of facing organs in Venice.
Both instruments - in
identical casings but of
differing dimensions - are
placed on the gallery over
the choir stalls, which are
situated in the middle of
the church. The larger
instrument, on the right.
constructed in 1795/96 by
Gaetano Callido, is based on
the 8'. Despite various
restorations carried out in
the last century by Bazzani,
it has been preserved for us
intact and in excellent
condition. Minor renovations
are to bo found only on the
keyboard, pedals, the
"Tromboni" pedal stop and
the bellows.
The structural
characteristics reflect the
embodiment of traditional
Venetian organ-building; the
organ has a slider chest,
the break-backs in the
mixture ranks are on
classical lines. i.e.
beginning with the actual
note c'''' sharp: the Thirty-third
(Quint 1/3') ends
after the note c' and the Thirty-sixth
(Octave 1/4') after the note
f. The "Vox humana" has a
downward-fluctuating tremolo;
the flutes are all pointed
and the Octave (4')
actually starts - as usual -
from the note c. Finally the
"Tromboni" a powerful "row
of bass trombones" and a
typical feature of the
Venetian school, are sel up
in the main face of the
The restoration work was
carried out in 1969-70 by
the firm of Zanin &
Figlio of Camino al
Tagliamento (Udine), who
also restored the facing
organ, constructed by
Piaggia in 1732.
CARPI - St. Bernard's
The instrument in St.
Bernards Church in Carpi
(Modena) is a typical
example of
seventeenth-century Italian
organ-building, It was
constructed in 1669-70 by
the brothers Furtoni of
Soragna. who were probably
the sons of the
organ-builder Gerolamo
Tortona of Parma.
The organ is based on the 8'
and reveals the visible
pipes divided into the
classical five panels. In
the course of the last
century it suffered much
interference; thus in 1846
Cesare Zoboli of Modena
transformed the "Vox humana"
into a "Flutto." It was not
until 1970 that Tamburini of
Crema restored the organ,
when in particular the
"tasti spezzati" (double
keys) were also repaired
[D/F sharp and E/G sharp).
The tonal disposition
reflects the classical
norms; the mixture family
(with separate ranks), the
"Vox humana" and the
existence of a flute stop,
in this case a Twelfth
(Quint 2 2/3').
The pedal follows the
typical Italian classical
pattern with very short keys
arranged on a slant (called
"a leggio"] with a short
lower octave. It is firmly
joined to the manual but
separated from the "tasti
Carmelite Church
One of the most important
organs and the greatest
instrument in this area by
the celebrated Venetian
organ-builder Callido was
constructed in 1797 for the
Carmelite Church in Lugo di
Romagna. All Callido's
typical stops are to be
found there, based on the
In addition to the mixture
stops, the aliquots of the
flutes and the "Violetta,"
the characteristic reeds of
the regal, housed in the
front of the casing, are
worthy of note: the
"Tromboncini" with huge tin
cups and the "Violoncello,"
a kind of ranket with
boxwood cups and throat.
In the nineteenth century
the instrument underwent
minor alterations to the
stop mechanism. The
drawstops were replaced in
the usual Venetian manner by
knobs engraved "in the
Lombard manner," and the
"terza mano" (super-octave
coupler in the treble) was
added. Later the organ was
"normalised" by removing the
lower keys up to F1 and by
replacing the short "a
leggio" pedalboard with a
straight chromatic scale of
27 notes (C1 - d').
In 1967-68 B. Formentelli of
Pedemonte (Verona) carried
through a complete
restoration which gave the
organ back its structural
and tonal identity. The
manual was made up to its
original compass.
Bolzonello Zoja
translation by Robert