STH Records
1 CD - STH-CD 19342 - (p) 1992


Girolamo FRESCOBALDI (1583-1643) Toccata No. 10 - Libro I *
4' 03" 1
Domenico SCARLATTI (1685-1757) Sonata in F minor, K. 69 **
4' 05" 2

Gustav LEONHARDT, Harpsichords
- 17th century Italian harpsichord, G. C. Klop, 1973 *
- 18th century Italian harpsichord, G. C. Klop, 1989 **


Luogo e data di registrazione
(luoghi di registrazione non indicati) - 1990/1992

Registrazione: live / studio

Publisher & Distribution

Gerrit C. Klop, Baroque Keyboard Instruments, Garderen (Holland)

Digital recording
Arie Griffioen

Prima Edizione LP

Edizione CD
STH Records | STH-CD 19342 | 1 CD - durata 63' 59" | (p) 1992 | DDD

Original Cover


Questa pubblicazione è a cura dei costruttori olandesi Gerrit Klop di cui alcuni dei migliori interpreti olandesi suonano diversi clavicembali ed organi.
Le registrazioni sono ricomprese nel periodo 1990-1992.
Gustav Leonhardt è interprete dei due soli brani sopra riportati.

Gerrit Klop, born in Amsterdam in 1935 to a family of craftsmen, began building his first organ at the age of sixteen. After receiving an engineering degree, he returned to instrument making and by 1966 had established himself as an independent builder. Gerrit Klop built only historical style instruments from the outset. Along with Martin Skowroneck and Rainer Schütze he was among the European pioneers of period instrument construction. With increasing acceptance and recognition, production grew rapidly. To date, Klop has delivered some two thousand instruments, including harpsichords, spinets, clavichords, early pianos and pipe organs. While Klop produces keyboard instruments representing various historical styles, in organ building he specializes in designs with wooden pipework, inspired by the renaissance 'organo di legno' tradition. With their outstanding versatility and practicality, these and other keyboard instruments by Klop have earned universal acclaim for their tonal design, craftmanship and stability of tuning and regulation. Gerrit plans to delegate increasing responsibility within the business to his oldest son Hank (1960), who, having served as Gerrit's general assistent and shop-foreman for some years, is in an ideal position to carry forward the Klop tradition of excellence.