1 LP - Telefunken 6.42841 AZ (p) 1982


Jules August Demersseman (1833-1866) Fantaisie sur un thème original für Altsaxophon und Klavier
5' 42" A1

- Allegro · Thème: Andantino · Variante: Più vivo · Andante · Più vivo quasi Allegretto · Final: Allegretto · Presto

Alexander Tscherepnin (1899-1977) Sonatine Sportive für Altsaxophon und Klavier
5' 57" A2

- Lutte: Allegro 1' 52"

- Mi-temps: Larghetto 3' 03"

- Course: Vivace 1' 02"

Jeno von Takács (geb. 1902) Two Tantastics für Altsaxophon und Klavier, Op. 88 Nr. 1
11' 47" A3

- Tempo rubato: Andante, molto rubato 4' 50"

- Tempo giusto: Allegro vivace 6' 57"

Paule Maurice (1910-1967) Tableaux de Provence für Altsaxophon und Klavier
12' 25" B1

- Farandoulo di Chatouno (Farandole des jeunes filles) 2' 18"

- Cansoun per ma mio (Chanson pour ma mie) 1' 23"

- La boumiano (La Bohémienne) 1' 04"

- Dis alyscamps l'amo souspire (Des Aliscamps l'âme soupire) 4' 18"

- Lou cabridan (Le Cabridan) 3' 22"

Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) Scaramouche für Altsaxophon und Klavier
9' 00" B2

- Vif 2' 58"

- Modéré 3' 49"

- Brazileira: Mouvement de Samba 2' 13"

Ed BOGAARD, Saxophon

Luogo e data di registrazione

Registrazione: live / studio

Recording Supervision


Edizione LP
TELEFUNKEN - 6.42841 AZ - (1 LP - durata 44' 51") - (p) 1982 - Digitale

Originale LP


Prima Edizione CD


Jules Demersseman, Belgian composer and flutist, was born in Hondschoote in 1833 and died in Paris 1866. The "Fantaisie" ii one of the most virtuoso saxophone pieces of the 19th century. It begins with an extended introduction, followed by the lyric theme, which undergoes brilliant variations, and ends with a fast-moving coda.
The composer-pianist Alexandre Tcherpnin was born in St. Petersburg in 1899 and died in Paris in 1977. His music shows a variety of influences, Russian, French and Oriental. The "Sonatine Sportive" is a light-hearted work; the first movement representing a wrestling match, the second a half-time break, and the last, a horse race.
The composer-pianist Jeno von Takács was born in Siegendorf in Burgenlandin in 1902. In addition his many concert tours throughout Europe, he held teaching positions for some years in Cairo and Manila. The first of the two "Fantastics" has the character of an improvision, with a mysterious atmosphere. The second is in a jazzy style, with a point of rest in the middle section, when the first movement is repeated, and ends on a despairing cry.
Paule Maurice was born in Paris in 1910, and died there in 1967. The "Tableuax de Provence" were dedicated to Marcel Mule, who revived the saxophone class at the Paris Conservatoire in 1942 for the first time since the class of Adolphe Sax was discontinued in 1870. The five pieces that make up the work depict various aspects of the South of France: young girls joining hands in a lively dance, a lover's serenade, a gypsy dance, a soulful sigh at the tombs of the Roman cemetery in Arles, the "Alyscamps". The final movement, "Le Cabridan", represents a frisky mountain goat, and is one of the most virtuoso pieces ever written for the saxophone.
Darius Milhaud, certainly the most prolific of the famous group of French composers known as "Les Six", was born in Aix-en-Provence in 1892 and died in 1974. He wrote a large number of works for the stage, as well as symphonic and chamber music, notable for the variety of styles and treatment. "Scaramouche" was originally written for saxophone, but is perhaps better known in the version for two puanos. The work takes its title from the stock character in the traditional Italian farce, the "commedia dell'arte", "Scaramouche" is the cowardly braggart who is constantly beaten by Harlequin. The final movement of the work is a sensuous Brazilian dance, which reflects Milhaud's lifelong interest in the exotic rhythms of South America and the West Indies.
Ed Bogaard / Alex Saron