(Paide, Estonia, 11 september 1935)

"Lavoro con pochissimi elementi - una voce, due voci. Costruisco con i materiali
più primitivi - con l'accordo perfetto, con  una specifica tonalità. Tre note di un accordo
sono come campane. Ed è perciò che chiamo questo



Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Fratres (1980) - (for violin and piano) *
2. Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten (1977) - (for string orchestra and bell) **
3. Fratres (1990) - (for 12 violoncellos) °
4. Tabula rasa (1977) - (for 2 violins, string orchestra and prepared piano) °°

Gidon Kremer, violin | Keith Jarrett, piano *
Staatsorchester Stuttgart | Dennis Russell Davies, conductor **
The 12 Cellists of the Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra °
Gidon Kremer & Tatjana Grindenko, violins | Alfred Schnittke, prepared piano | Lithaunian Chamber Orchestra | Saulus Sondeckis, conductor °°

ECM New Series | 1275 - 817 764-2 | 1 CD |  54' 39" | AAD | (p) & (c) 1984
ECM New Series | 1275 - 817 764-1 | 1 LP |  54' 39" | ANALOGIC | (p) & (c) 1984
- Basel: October 1983 (1) | studio
- Stuttgart: January 1984 (2) | studio
- Berlin: February 1984 (3) | studio
- Bonn: November 1977 (4) live by West German Radio, Cologne

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Arbos (1977) - dedicated to Andreas Mustonen
2. An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten (1984) - dedicated to Andreas Mustonen
3. Pari Intervallo (1976)
4. De Profundis (1980) - dedicated to Gottfried von Einem
5. Es sang vor langen Jahren (1984) - dedicated to Diether de la Motte *
6. Summa (1978)
7. Arbos (1986) - dedicated to Andreas Mustonen
8. Stabat Mater (1985) - commissioned by the Alban-Berg-Foundation *

The Hilliard Ensemble
Gidon Kremer | Vladimir Mendelssohn | Thomas Demenga
Brass Ensemble | Staatsorchester Stuttgart | Dennis Russell Davies, conductor

ECM New Series | 1325 - 831 959-2 | 1 CD |  59' 18" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1987
ECM New Series | 1325 - 831 959-1 | 1 LP |  59' 18" | DIGITAL | (p) & (c) 1987
- Karlshöhe, Ludwigsburg: March, August 1986 (1-4,6-7) | studio
- St. John's Church, London - January 1987 (5,8) | studio *

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem (1982)

The Hilliard Ensemble
The Western Wind Chamber Choir
EnsembleElizabeth Layton | Melinda Maxwell | Elisabeth Wilson | Catherine Duckett | Christopher Bowers-Braodbent

ECM New Series | 1370 - 837 109-2 | 1 CD |  70' 52" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1988
ECM New Series | 1370 - 837 109-1 | 1 LP |  70' 52" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1988
Recording: St.-Jude's-on-the-Hill, London: March 1988 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Miserere (1989) - dedicated to Paul Hillier and Hillieard Ensemble
2. Festina Lente (1988/90) - dedicated to Manfred Eicher
3. Sarah Was Ninety Years Old (1976/90) - dedicated to Helle and Andreas Mustonen

The Hilliard Ensemble | Western Wind Choir
Orchester des Beethovenhalle Bonn | Dennis Russel Davies, conductor
Sarah Leonard, soprano | Rogers Covey-Crump & John Plotter, tenor | Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, organ | Pierre Favre, percussion

ECM New Series | 1430 - 847 539-2 | 1 CD |  65' 26" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1991
ECM New Series | 1430 - 847 539-1 | 1 LP |  65' 26" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1991
- St.-Jude's-on-the-Hill, London: September 1990 (1,3) | studio
- Beethovenhalle, Bonn: December 1990 (2) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Für Alina (1976)
(+ Mozart / Scelsi / Bärtschi / Busoni)

Werner Bärtschi, piano

ECM New Series | 1377 - 839 659-2 | 1 CD |  2' 04" (69' 32") | DDD | (p) & (c) 1992
- Kirche Blumentstein: July 1988 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Trivium (1976)
- Mein Weg hat Gipfel und Wellentäler (1989)
- Annum per annum (1980)
- Pari intervallo (1980)
(+ Maxwell Davies / Glass)

Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, organ

ECM New Series | 1431 - 849 655-2 | 1 CD |  30' 02" (58' 09") | DDD | (p) & (c) 1992
ECM New Series | 1431 - 849 655-1 | 1 LP |  30' 02" (58' 09") | DDD | (p) & (c) 1992
- Grossmünster, Zürich: October 1990 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Te Deum (1984/1986) - dedicated to Alfred Schlee
2. Silouans Song (1991) ("My soul yearns after the Lord...")
3. Magnificat (1989)
4-11. Berliner Messe (1990/1992)

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 1505 - 439 162-2 | 1 CD |  67' 30" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1993
Recording: Lohjan Kirkko, Finland: January 1993 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. De profundis (Psalm 119) (1980) */**
2-7. Missa Sillabica (1977; rev. 1996) *
8. Solfeggio (1964)
9. And one of the Pharisees (1990)
10. Cantate Domino (Psalm 95) (1977) *
11. Summa (Credo) (1977)
12-18. Seven Magnificat Antiphons (1988; rev. 1991)
19. The Beatitudes (1990; rev. 1991) *
20. Magnificat (1989)

Theatre of Voices / Paul Hillier
Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, organ * / Dan Kennedy, percussion **

Harmonia Mundi USA | HMU 907182 | 1 CD |  76' 06" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1996
Recorded in the presence of the composer: May 4-7, 1996
- Chapel of St. Vincent's School for Boys, San Rafael, CA (8-9,11-18,20) | studio
- St. Stephen's Church, Belvedere, CA: ing: Niguliste CA (1-7,10,19) | studio °

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Litany (1994) - to Helmuth Rilling and the Oregon Bach Festival
2. Psalom (1985/95) - to Alfred Schlee on his birthday
3. Trisagion (1992/95) - dedicated to the parish of Prophet Elias in Ilomantasi on the occasion of its 500th anniversary

The Hilliard Ensemble: David James | Rogers Covey-Crump | John Potter | Gordon Jones
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra | Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir |  Tönu Kaljuste, conductor
Lithaunian Chamber Orchestra | Saulius Sondeckis, conductor*

ECM New Series | 1592 - 449 810-2 | 1 CD |  41' 02" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1996
- Niguliste Church, Tallinn: September 1995 (1) | studio
- Mozart-Saal / Liederhalle, Stuttgar: September 1995 (2,3) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- And One of the Pharisees... (1992) - dedicated to Paul Hillier
- Summa (1977)
(+ Guy / Feldman / Moody / Hellawell / Robinson / Tormis / Gregorian / MacMillan / Liddle / Metcalf / Finnissy / Casken)

The Hilliard Ensemble

ECM New Series | 1614/15 - 453 259-2 | 2 CD |  13' 02 (64' 03" & 55' 34")  | DDD | (p) & (c) 1996
Recording: Boxgrove Priory, Boxgrove: March, April 1995, March 1996 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Kanon Pokajanen (1997) - dedicated to Paul Hillier and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 1654/55 - 457 834-2 | 2 CD |  42' 46" & 40' 22  | DDD | (p) & (c) 1999
Recording: Niguliste Church, Tallinn: June 1997 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Spiegel im Spiegel (1978) - (Version für Violine und Klavier)
- Für Alina (1976) - (für Klavier)
- Spiegel im Spiegel (1978) - (Version für Violincello und Klavier)
- Für Alina (1976) - (für Klavier)
- Spiegel im Spiegel (1978) - (Version für Violine und Klavier)

Vladimir Spivakov, violine | Sergej Bezrodny, klavier | Dietmat Schwalke, violoncello | Alexander Malter, klavier

ECM New Series | 1591 - 449 958-2 | 1 CD |  51' 16"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 1999
Recording: Festeburgkirche, Frankfurt/M.: July 1995 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Bogoróditse Djévo (1990)
2. I Am the True Vine (1996)
3. Ode IX, from "Kanon Pokajanen" (1989; revised 1997)
4. The Woman With the Alabaster Box (1997)
5. Tibute to Caesar (1997)
6-13. Berliner Messe (1990: revised 1997) *

Theatre of Voices and The Pro Arte Singers / Paul Hillier
Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, organ *

Harmonia Mundi USA | HMU 907242 | 1 CD |  57' 42" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1999
Recorded in:
- Auer Hall, School of Music, Beth Meshulam Simon Music Recital Center, Indiana University School of Music, Bloomington, Indiana: May 25-27, 1998 (1-5) | studio
- Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambridgeshire, England: August 17-21, 1998 (6-13) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Wallfahrtslied Pilgrims' Song (2001) - (version for men's choir und string orchestra) - in memory of Grigori Kromanov
- Orient & Occident (2000) - (for string orchestra)- for Saulius Sondeckis and Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra
- Como cierva sedienta (1988) - (for soprano and orchestra) - for Caecilia

Helena Olsson, soprano | Swedish Radio Choir | Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra | Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 1795 - 472 080-2 | 1 CD |  47' 35"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2002
Recording: Berwaldhallen, Swedish Radio, Stockholm: May-June 2001 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Da pacem Domine (2004) - (for soloists a cappella)
2. Lamentate (2002) - (for piano and orchestra) -Homage to Anish Kapoor and his sculpture "Marsyas"

The Hilliard Ensemble
Alexei Lubimov, piano | SWR Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra | Andrey Boreyko, conductor

ECM New Series | 1930 - 476 3048 | 1 CD |  42' 46"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2005
- Stadthalle Sindelfingen: June 2004 (2) | studio
- Propstei St. Gerold: April 2005 (1) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Spiegel im Spiegel (1978/2003) - (for clarinet and piano)
(+ Silvestrov / Ustvolskaya)

Alexei Lubimov, piano
Kirill Rybakov, clarinet

ECM New Series | 1959 - 476 3108 | 1 CD |  79' 29"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2006
Recording: Historischer Reitstadel, Neumarkt: May-June 2005 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Da pacem Domine (2004)
2. Salve Regina (2001/2) °°
3-4. Zwei slawische Psalmen (1984/1997)
5. Magnificat (1989) *
6. An den Wassern zu Babel (1976/1984/1991) */**/°/°°
7. Dopo la vittoria (1996/1998)
8. Nunc dimittis (2001) *
9. Littlemore Tractus (2000) °°

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir / Paul Hillier, conductor
Kaia Urb, soprano * / Tiit Kogerman, tenor ** / Aarne Talvik, bass °
Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, organ °°

Harmonia Mundi USA | HMU 907401 | 1 CD |  64' 33" | DDD | (p) & (c) 2006
Recorded in:
- Nigulisterkirik, Tallinn, Estonia: January 2006 (Tracks 1 & 5) | studio
- Nigulisterkirik, Tallinn, Estonia: September 2005 (Tracks 2-4, 6, 8 & 9) | studio
- Tallinn Methodist Church, Estonia: October 2004 (Tracks 7) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1-5. In principio erat Verbum (2003) - (for mixed choir and orchestra) - dedicated to Tönu Kaljuste
6. La Sindone (2005) - (for orchestra) - dedicated to Enzo Restagno
7. Cecilia, vergine romana (2000, rev. 2002) - (for mixed choir and orchestra) - dedicated to Myung-Whun Chung and Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
8. Da pacem Domine (2004/2007) - (for mixed choir and orchestra)
9. Mein Weg (1989/99, rev. 2000) - (for 14 strings and percussion) - dedicated to Andreas Peer Kähler and Kammerorchester Unter den Linden
10. Für Lennart in memoriam (2006) - (for string orchestra)

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 2050 - 476 6990 | 1 CD |  70' 21"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2009
- Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn: June 2008 (1-7) | studio
- Niguliste Church, Tallinn: May 2007 (8-10) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1-3. Symphony No. 4 "Los Angeles" (2008) - (for orchestra) - dedicated to Mikhail Khodorkovsky *
4. Fragments from Kanon Pokajanen (1997)* - (for orchestra) - dedicated to Paul Hillier and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra / Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor *
Estonian Philharmonic | Chamber Choir | Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 2160 - 476 3957 | 1 CD |  49' 51"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2010
- Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles: January 2009 (1-3) | studio
- Niguliste Church, Tallinn: June 1997 (4) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Adam's Lament (2009) - (for choir and string orchestra)
2. Beatus Petronius (1990/2011) - (for two choirs, eight woodwind instruments, tubular bells and string orchestra)
3. Salve Regina (2001/2011) - (for choir, celesta and string orchestra)
4. Statuit ei Dominus (1990/2011) - (for two choirs, eight woodwind instruments and string orchestra)
5. Alleluia-Tropus (2008/2010) - (for choir and string orchestra)
6. L'Abbé Agathon (2004/2008) - (for soprano, baritone, female choir and string orchestra)
7. Estonian Lullaby (2002/2006)* - (for female choir and string orchestra)
8. Christmas Lullaby (2002/2006)* - (for female choir and string orchestra)

Latvian Radio Choir | Sinfonietta Riga | Vox Clamantis
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir | Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 2225 - 476 4825 | 1 CD |  67' 55"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2012
Recording: Nigulsite Church in Tallin: November 2011 (1-6) & May 2007 (7-8) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. Veni creator (2006) ^
2. The Deer's Cry (2007)
3. Pssalom (1985/91; rev. 1997) */**/°/°°
4. Most Holy Mother of God (2003)
5. Solfeggio (1963/2008) */**/°/°°
6. My heart's in the highlands (2000) ^
7. Peace upon you, Jerusalem (2002)
8. Ein Wallfahrtslied (1984; rev. 1996) */**/°/°°
9. Morning Star (2007)
10. Stabat Mater (1985) */°/°°

Theatre of Voices / Ars Nova Copenhagen / Christopher Bowers-Broadbent^, organ
NYYD Quartet: Harry Traksmann*, violin / Juta Öunapuu**, violin / Torsten Tiebout°, viola / Leho Karin°°, cello
Paul Hillier, artistic director

Harmonia Mundi USA | HMU 807553 | 1 CD |  75' 03" | DDD | (p) & (c) 2012
Recorded at Garnisonskirken, Copenhagen, Denmark: June 2010 | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1. The Deer's Cry (2007) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
2. Von Angesicht zu Angesicht (2005) - (for soprano, male choir, clarinet, viola and double bass)
3. Alleluia-Tropus (2008/2010) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
4. Virgencita (2012) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
5. Veni Creator (2006)* - (for mixed choir and organ)
6. Drei Hirtenkinder aus Fatima (2014) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
7. And One of the Pharisees (1992) - (for three-part choir a cappella)
8. Da pacem Domine (2004/2006) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
9. Most Holy Mother of God (2003) - (for choir a cappella)
10. Sei gelobt, du Baum (2007) - (for male choir, violin, lute and double bass)
11. Habitare fratres in unum Psalmus 133 (132) (2012) - (for mixed choir a cappella)
12. Summa (1977) - (for four voices a cappella)
13. Gebet nach dem Kanon (from: Kanon Pokajanen) (1997) - (for mixed choir a cappella)

Vox Clamantis | Jaan-Eik Tulve, conductor
Mari Poli, violin | Johanna Vahermägl, viola | Heikko & Taavo Remmel, double bass | Robert Staak, lute | Toomas Vavilov, clarinet | Susanne Doll, organ

ECM New Series | 2466 - 481 2449 | 1 CD |  62' 22"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2016
- Tallinn Transfiguration Church: September 2013 & 2014 (1-4,6-13) | studio
- Dome Church of St. Nicholas of Haapsalu: June 2007 (5) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
1-2. Symphony No. 1 "Polyphonic" (1964) - dedicated to Prof. Heino Eller
3-5. Symphony No. 2 (1966)
6-8. Symphony No. 3 (1971) - dedicated to Neeme Järvi
9-11. Symphony No. 4 "Los Angeles" (2008) - dedicated to Mikhail Khodorkovsky

NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic | Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 2600 - 481 6802 | 1 CD |  79' 22"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2018
Recording: Main Hall of the National Forum of Music, Wroclaw: August 2016 (1-5,9-11) & October 2015 (6-8) | studio

Arvo PÄRT (1935)
- Littlemore Tractus (2000/2022) - (for mixed choir and orchestra)
- Greater Antiphons (1988/2015) - (for string orchestra)
- Cantique des degrés (1999/2002) - (for mixed choir and orchestra)
- Sequentia (2014/2015) - (for string orchestra and percussion)
- L'abbé Agathon (2004/2008) - (for soprano and string orchestra)
- These Words... (2008) - (for string orchestra and percussion)
- Veni creator (2006/2009) - (for mixed choir and orchestra)
- Vater unser (2005/2019) - (for mixed choir, piano and string orchestra)

Maria Listra, soprano
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir | Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tönu Kaljuste, conductor

ECM New Series | 2800 - 485 9166 | 1 CD |  67' 06"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2023
Recording: Methodist Church, Tallinn: September 2022 | studio


Arvo PÄRT (1935) - MUSICA SELECTA (from the legendary premiere recordings)

Compact Disc 1
- Es sang vor langen Jahren (1984) - dedicated to Diether de la Motte ECM New Series | 1325 - 831 959-2 | 1 CD |  59' 18" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1987
- Für Alina (1976) - (für Klavier) ECM New Series | 1591 - 449 958-2 | 1 CD |  51' 16"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 1999
- Mein Weg (1989/99, rev. 2000) - (for 14 strings and percussion) - dedicated to Andreas Peer Kähler and Kammerorchester U.d.L. ECM New Series | 2050 - 476 6990 | 1 CD |  70' 21"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2009
- Kanon Pokajanen [Ode VI] (1997) - dedicated to Paul Hillier and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir ECM New Series | 1654/55 - 457 834-2 | 2 CD |  42' 46" & 40' 22  | DDD | (p) & (c) 1999
- Silouans Song (1991) ("My soul yearns after the Lord...") ECM New Series | 1505 - 439 162-2 | 1 CD |  67' 30" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1993
- Fratres (1980) - (for violin and piano) ECM New Series | 1275 - 817 764-2 | 1 CD |  54' 39" | AAD | (p) & (c) 1984
- Alleluia-Tropus (2008/2010) - (for choir and string orchestra) ECM New Series | 2225 - 476 4825 | 1 CD |  67' 55"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2012
- Trisagion (1992/95) - dedicated to the parish of Prophet Elias in Ilomantasi on the occasion of its 500th anniversary ECM New Series | 1592 - 449 810-2 | 1 CD |  41' 02" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1996
- Beatus Petronius (1990/2011) - (for two choirs, eight woodwind instruments, tubular bells and string orchestra) ECM New Series | 2225 - 476 4825 | 1 CD |  67' 55"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2012
Compact Disc 2
- Wallfahrtslied Pilgrims' Song (2001) - (version for men's choir und string orchestra) - in memory of Grigori Kromanov ECM New Series | 1795 - 472 080-2 | 1 CD |  47' 35"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2002
- Most Holy Mother of God (2003) - (for choir a cappella) ECM New Series | 2466 - 481 2449 | 1 CD |  62' 22"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2016
- Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten (1977) - (for string orchestra and bell) ECM New Series | 1275 - 817 764-2 | 1 CD |  54' 39" | AAD | (p) & (c) 1984
- Magnificat (1989) ECM New Series | 1505 - 439 162-2 | 1 CD |  67' 30" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1993
- Festina Lente (1988/90) - dedicated to Manfred Eicher ECM New Series | 1430 - 847 539-2 | 1 CD |  65' 26" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1991
- Lamentate (2002) - (for piano and orchestra) -Homage to Anish Kapoor and his sculpture "Marsyas" ECM New Series | 1930 - 476 3048 | 1 CD |  42' 46"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2005
- Stabat Mater (1985) - commissioned bz the Alban-Berg-Foundation ECM New Series | 1325 - 831 959-2 | 1 CD |  59' 18" | DDD | (p) & (c) 1987
- Da pacem Domine (2004/2007) - (for mixed choir and orchestra) ECM New Series | 2050 - 476 6990 | 1 CD |  70' 21"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2009

Susan Bickley / Alexander Malter / Tönu Kaljuste / Gidon Kremer / Keith Jarrett / Saulius Sondeckis / Vladimir Mendelssohn
Vox Clamantis / Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra / Letvian Radio Choir / Sinfonietta Riga / The Hilliard ensemble
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir / Tallinn Chamber Orchestra

ECM New Series | 2454/55 - 481 1905 | 2 CD |  68' 24" & 72' 51"  | DDD | (p) & (c) 2015
Recording: 1983-2011 | studio

updated July 5, 2024